Fitness Women Exercises Legs
Small reminder of the anatomical leg before you begin:
The muscular system of the lower limb is made at the thigh quadriceps , the hamstrings , adductors and abductors . At the leg : the calf is formed by the triceps surae ( soleus and twin ) . When walking or leg movements , all these muscles are jointly requested.
The following exercises submit the knee joint to many constraints . If you experience sensations of floating knee , joint lock or other , stop exercising and consult a sports doctor . To perform these exercises , wear suitable shoes that allow good lateral support.
The work of the lower limbs uses much of the muscle and cardiovascular system and requires a good investment along with proper breathing . Be sure to observe the rest period indicative and adapt them to your abilities as physical fatigue occurs rapidly.
Exercise # 1 : Work of flexion-extension
Fitness Women Exercises Legs
This exercise will work the thigh muscle intensely .
Starting Position:
Standing, feet parallel , hip-width apart , arms extended along the body , looking straight ahead .
Execution of the exercise :
Bend your legs inspiring, raising his arms in front until the hip joint is the same knee without rounding your back and controlling the descent. When the femurs are horizontal , exhale back ( leg extension ) by contracting the glutes to the starting position.
In this movement, the back is slightly tilted, but flat . You push the butt back as if you wanted to sit . To fully experience the work of the buttocks and thighs and legs , it is important to bring the thighs horizontal .
Muscles worked:
the quadriceps, glutes, adductors, hamstrings .
Training : 4 sets of 20 repetitions. Give you one minute rest between each set.
Exercise # 2 : Work of flexion-extension , feet apart
Fitness Women Exercises Legs
This exercise will work the muscle of the inner thigh of a more intense way .
Starting Position:
Stand with feet apart a little more than shoulder width apart , toes pointed the outward-oriented , hands on the waist. The back is straight and look forward.
Execution of the exercise :
Bend your legs inspiring until the thigh is horizontal , the hands are at the waist. Exhale back ( leg extension ) and squeezing the glutes to the starting position. Muscles are the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and above all adductors .
Training : 4 sets of 20 répétitions.Ne not forget to breathe between each set , rest for one minute .
Exercise # 3: Leaning against a wall, static work
Fitness Women Exercises Legs
This exercise will work the upper thigh muscle intensely .
Starting Position:
Plate out your back against the wall , legs bent at right angles , arms along the body and tighten the tummy well .
Execution of the exercise :
Hold Start blowing for 30 to 40 seconds.
Drivetrain: Repeat this exercise six times with 20 seconds rest between each. Depending on your options , little by little, trying to maintain the position longer until you feel a burning sensation in the thighs .
Exercise # 4 : Slots
Fitness Women Exercises Legs
This movement requires the acquisition of a sense of balance to maintain throughout the year. Advanced level .
Starting Position:
Standing right in front foot flat on the ground. Left foot back resting on the toe . Your feet should not be aligned one behind the other if you lose your balance . Width of the basin . Either you keep your hands at the waist or arms are stretched along the body with small dumbbell in each hand.
Execution of the exercise :
Inhale while bending the legs , back straight , eyes horizontal and exhale back legs completely. Squeeze the glutes throughout the movement. To work the other leg , reverse the position of the feet .
Training : Depending on your physical abilities, perform 4-6 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Resting time: 45 seconds to one minute.
Second possibility .
Standing , legs slightly apart , looking forward. Either hands the size or outstretched arms along the body with small dumbbell in each hand. Breathe in and make a big step forward in keeping the body straight . At the slot the thigh moves forwardly to stabilize the horizontal. Exhale while returning to the starting position.
Training : 4-6 sets of 10-20 repetitions depending on your possibilities. Resting time: 45 seconds to one minute. To work the other leg , reverse the position of the feet .
Squeeze the glutes during movement. The knee of the front leg must not exceed the toe . Be sure to observe the width of the basin. At first, if you have problems with balance , use a stick ( the handle of a broom ) .
These two exercises work intensely quadriceps, glutes and abductors .
Exercise # 5: The abductor with fleet ( gymweights )
Fitness Women Exercises Legs
Starting Position:
Standing on one leg , with a spry surrounding the ankle of the other leg resting on the opposite firm support ready .
Execution of the exercise :
Exhale raising the leg laterally without wiggle and contracting the glutes. Inhale while returning to the starting position. Muscles are the abductors but also small and medium butt .
Training : For best results, it is advisable to work in long series until the burning sensation. 6 sets of 30 repetitions. Resting time: 20 seconds.
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