Power up your pistons with a warmup that targets your keister. Performing body-weight glute exercises increases explosiveness in your lower half, found a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Researchers had 22 Australian football players warm up three ways: by performing low-load glute exercises, by squatting on a whole-body vibrating platform—a machine that’s often used to improve strength and flexibility, and by doing no preworkout warmup at all. The footballers were significantly more powerful during standing vertical jumps after performing the glute exercises, compared to those that did the other two warmups.
“Your gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteas minimus are the primary power generators for sprinting and jumping,” says study author Justin Crow. By activating them during the warmup, he explains, you’re enhancing the communication between mind and muscles. “This allows for greater activation of the muscles during explosive movements.” The result: peak performance. Plus, the exercises are low intensity, so you don’t have to worry about fatiguing your muscles during the warmup.
Now, you probably don’t play football Down Under, but Crow says you can benefit from doing low-load exercises before taking the court, field, or track. Get your butt in gear and boost your explosiveness with these warmup exercises.
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