

Sample Workout – Three Day Split

Send by Abdellah On 12:59 PM

Splitting the muscle groups up, rather than following the simplified ‘upper body, lower body’ or circuit-style training, can really add a new variable to your workout and challenge each of your muscles. Furthermore, you’ll increase the intensity of your workouts by performing more exercises for each muscle group. Including compound exercises in your workout can add even more variety. For instance, on chest day you could include bench presses which would also incorporate the shoulder and triceps.
Below is a sample of a split which is performed over three days. Please ensure you take a day of rest, or light cardio only, on the days in-between.
Day one
Shoulder, Chest, Triceps
Day two
Day three
Back, Biceps

Choose two exercises for each muscle group on both Day One and Day Three and on Legs day (day two) choose 4 exercises but make sure you recruit different areas, i.e. quadriceps, hamstrings and calves.
Here are some sample exercises for each muscle group:
Dumbbell overhead press
Lateral Raise
Reverse lateral raise

Incline Bench press
Chest Flye Machine
Press-ups on Bosu ball

Straight bar Pulldowns
Overhead dumbbell pullover

Barbell Squats
Lunges (walking, front, reverse, side)
Leg Press
Hack Squat
Stiff Legged Deadlift (hamstring)
Hamstring Curl Machine
Calf raise machine
Smith machine calf raise

Lat Pulldown
Bent over dumbbell rows

Concentration curls
Barbell curls

Try to change the exercises every few weeks in order to challenge the muscle. Aim for 8-12 reps depending on your goal. If you’re trying to gain lean mass then go for a heavier weight with fewer reps (6-8). Always make sure you challenge the muscle though and lift heavy enough to break down the muscle fiber – this is the only way it will repair and you will see results!


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